21 februari 2024 by Daniela

Natural Cosmetics Passion - Where Scents Paint Colours😊

I'm passionate about crafting natural cosmetics, inspired by the calming essence of natural scents. My basement is equipped with all the crafting tools I need. Starting over 25 years ago, I wanted control over my face cream's ingredients. Experimenting with new recipes brings me joy, and you can find my finest creations in my online shop.




Scents to me are like a palette of colours – infinite in their combinations. There is nothing better for me than mixing essential oils together, floating in a cloud of fragrance and being thrilled about a successful new composition!




Here's a beginner-friendly recipe for an arnica balm that not only soothes but also smells wonderful. It's the perfect starting point for anyone new to making their own cosmetics and the scent is easily customisable. The arnica flower oil extract is believed to have a beneficial on minor injuries, sprains, muscle tension, insect bites, dry skin and aching joints.




You don't need much, buy the arnica plant dried or grow and dry it yourself.

For the oil extract:

  • 10 g dried arnica flowers
  • 100 g olive oil

Place in a screw-top jar and leave to mature at room temperature for 3 weeks. Shake gently every two days. Finally, strain the oil through a tea filter.

Making the balm:

  • Melt 10 g beeswax
  • Add 60 g arnica oil
  • Add 5 drops of essential oil, my recommendation: lavender oil

Pour into ointment jars, leave to cool and seal.




Try it out, it really is quite simple!

