12 januari 2024 by Martina

The last days of the year

As I write this post, there are only a few days left in the year. 2023 became a memorable year for me in many ways. A mix of adventures, creativity, challenges, learning, encounters, and some sorrows that I would have preferred to do without. But above all, it's the trips to Morocco and India that I carry with me. Places that offered overwhelming visual experiences.




In Morocco, we photographed the autumn collection high up in the Atlas Mountains at an abandoned ski resort. Among snow-covered peaks in the distance, we enjoyed a magical tagine. An unforgettable experience.



Lunch with the photo team in the Atlas Mountains.


After all my years at Gudrun, I finally had the opportunity to visit India. The experience was truly magical with an overwhelming array of impressions from colors, flavors, animals, kindness, and encounters. I look forward to returning to India in a week where I will, among other things, photograph the autumn collection for 2024 together with Gudrun.




A particularly fantastic and educational experience in India was a visit to one of our suppliers. I feel immense respect for all the skilled hands involved in the creation of our clothes.




So, it's soon time for 2024. I'm not much for New Year's resolutions; I get performance anxiety before even putting them into words. But I'm trying to think through some goals to feel better and be kind to myself and others.



2024 might be the year when the cardigan is finally finished...


What are you looking forward to in 2024? ❤️



Happy New Year!