We strongly believe that our made-to-last designs are our most significant contribution to a greener and more pleasant world. This has been Gudrun’s guiding star throughout her career. It is our firm conviction that the first step in minimizing the adverse environmental impact of humanity is to reduce consumption. For this reason, we consider durable garments that are cherished and worn for years to be the least harmful to the environment. This is our ethos, both in our personal lives and in our work.


Businesses such as ours have tremendous impact potential, which is why we are committed to making green choices in our organisation and across our supply chains. Just one example of this commitment is our organic jersey from Greece, for which our supplier switched to new machines and the cotton farmer switched to new crops, a process that takes three years. Other examples are our requirements regarding the use of chemicals, the introduction of chlorine-free paper in all our printed materials, the reduced use of plastic and packaging, and opting for transport by sea or rail rather than air or road for our garment shipments, all of which are well-informed environmental choices.


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