Our video library
Welcome to our video library – delve in and discover video clips from the past and present. Explore the collections in a moving format or be inspired by other colourful videos from Gudrun’s world. We’ll be adding to the site now and then so look out for updates.
Colourful, creative women:

Meet Sutapa
Sutapa was captivated by Gudrun Sjödén’s colourful design 17 years ago. In a video, she talks about seeing life as a gift and how dance made her the person she is today.

Ingmari has modelled for Gudrun Sjödén for nearly two decades. In the video, she talks about the magic of nature, emphasising the importance of stopping to take stock of your surroundings.

Meet Gudrun
Her mission is to bring colour and patterns into everyday life and make it that bit more beautiful. In the video, Gudrun talks about her enterprising career, from her student days, to being an employee, to owing her own business.

15 years ago she googled for organic fashions and has worn Gudrun Sjödén designs ever since. In the video, Daniela shares the thrills of gardening, and lets us in on how she creates natural beauty products.

Meet Mikaela
What she loves about Gudrun Sjödén design are the endless options for combining colour and form. In the video, she shares her sources of inspiration and how colours are important for her well-being.

Meet Gudrun
Her mission is to inspire eco-awareness. In the video, she talks about how environmental awareness has been an enduring commitment, and how the Gudrun Sjödén brand takes responsibility for minimising its environmental footprint.

Meet Sirle
Sirle appreciates the artistic and nature-near inspiration in Gudrun Sjödén’s design. In the video, she shares what photography means to her and about daring to take risks in finding one’s true self.

Meet Gudrun
Our creative founder who wants to spread joy and highlight more colourful women around the world. In the video, she shares what inspires her in her design work and what drives her forward.

Meet Emma
A colourful and creative woman. Since discovering Gudrun Sjödén in 2017, Emma has embraced our colourful design from head to toe. In the video, she shares her love of nature and the special significance of feathers to her.

Follow the journey from pixels to patterns

Free horizons in the north



“At home with Anna Kern”
– reliving the 2019 Home Collection
The green thread
– a video about our striped essential sweater.
Are you a #gudrunista?
Share your style, tag your posts with #gudrunista and follow us on Instagram @gudrunsjoden. Maybe we’ll use your picture on our website or in our social media channels!
Looking for inspiration?
Meet other colourful Gudrunistas here »
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