Here we tell you all about the materials we use, how to care for your clothes, and the environmental aspects too. Dive into the story of how contemporary artisanal designs are created. The time it takes from initial sketches to finished garments is no less than twelve months. A whole year of visions and decisions involving at least 250 individuals in the making of every single garment. The choice of materials, colours and designs is still based on the concepts I had when my first collection came out back in the upbeat 70s. Then as now, any shortcuts in terms of manufacturing and materials are unthinkable. We would rather opt for complex manufacturing methods if that means new insights and more eco-friendly properties, and if it also gives us greater artistic freedom too. We know that you, our valued customers, expect this of us. This is why our textiles remain our main resource, and why we design clothes by methods that are innovative and unconventional in many respects.

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