A more colorful workplace
A career with Gudrun Sjödén
We believe in people’s ability and desire to grow and develop. And we therefore think that it’s your personality and attitude that contribute most to making Gudrun Sjödén successful! Through personal initiative and a strong teamwork ethos, we shape the future of Gudrun Sjödén together.

Our Soul and corporate culture
A job is just like a relationship. It only works when all those involved are equally committed. This is why it is important to get to know Gudrun Sjödén’s history, brand and values. Our unique design, image, personality and communication set us apart from other companies. At the heart of our business is a strong entrepreneurial spirit and we are trailblazers who want to continue to challenge, question and act with purpose. Our creative and unconventional approach is apparent in everything we do.
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Our Soul and corporate culture
A job is just like a relationship. It only works when all those involved are equally committed. This is why it is important to get to know Gudrun Sjödén’s history, brand and values. Our unique design, image, personality and communication set us apart from other companies. At the heart of our business is a strong entrepreneurial spirit and we are trailblazers who want to continue to challenge, question and act with purpose. Our creative and unconventional approach is apparent in everything we do.
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